Business Foundation Services

Dedicated to helping new business owners launch with confidence and clarity

No business owner should have to go it alone. Let us help you build a strong foundation by educating and advising you on several key areas of business start-up, including:

• Entity Type Analysis
• Accounting System Setup
• Retirement Plan Analysis

Business Foundation Services

Entity Type Analysis Entity Type Analysis
Accounting System Setup Accounting System Setup
Retirement Plan Analysis Retirement Plan Analysis

Entity Type Analysis

Every business must fall under an entity type. The structure you choose directly impacts many areas of a business—including business size and operations, taxes paid, how profits are shared, your degree of ownership, and your legal liability. Let us help you start with a strong foundation by identifying the entity structure that is right for your business. We’ll even handle state and federal form preparation.

  • Assurance — Our expert team will help you select the right entity structure for your situation.
  • Tax savings — When you are set up under the right entity type from the start, it helps ensure against overpaying taxes and double taxation.
  • Education — We take the time to educate you on multiple entity types and walk you through how each option will affect your business.
Entity Type Analysis

Accounting System Setup

An efficient, well-maintained accounting system is at the center of a successful business—providing access to accurate, real-time data that supports smart, informed business decisions. Whether you are launching a new business or are in need of a system cleanup, our professionals can help ensure your accounting system is set up to support maximum operational efficiency.

  • Streamlined processes — We make sure your accounting system supports automated, streamlined workflows.
  • Insight — Ensure your system is set up so you always have access to real-time, accurate and smart-decision-driving data.
  • Smart decisions — Time is money, so don’t waste a minute of it reviewing bad data. Ensure your time is well spent reviewing accurate business intelligence that leads to sound, financially healthy decisions.
Accounting System Setup

Retirement Plan Analysis

Retirement plans are a crucial component in saving for the future, yet nearly 40 percent of small businesses don’t have one in place. Selecting a plan can be confusing and expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Let our experts take the stress out of reviewing and identifying the right plan for you and your team.

  • Peace of mind — Remove the worry of selecting the right plan for your business. We’ll do all the research for you.
  • Time savings — Because we take the time to compare multiple retirement plans, you can have those extra hours back to devote to your business.
  • Happy staff — Offering the best possible retirement plan supports good culture for happier employees.
Retirement Plan Analysis

How can we help?

Let us help you start your business on a firm foundation.